Bruce Lee

Philosopher, Martial Artist, Actor, Teacher, Father

Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon
Bruce Lee as seen in his film, Enter The Dragon

A small timeline of Bruce Lee's life:

  • 1940 - Bruce Lee is born on November 27 in San Francisco, California.
  • 1941 - Bruce Lee's family moves back to Hong Kong, where he will spend most of his childhood and early adult years.
  • 1950 - Bruce Lee begins training in Wing Chun, a style of martial arts, under the guidance of Yip Man.
  • 1959 - Bruce Lee graduates from high school and begins teaching Wing Chun to private students.
  • 1960 - Bruce Lee moves to the United States to attend the University of Washington in Seattle.
  • 1964 - Bruce Lee opens his first martial arts school, the Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute, in Seattle.
  • 1965 - Bruce Lee marries Linda Emery and they have two children, Brandon and Shannon.
  • 1971 - Bruce Lee stars in his first film, "The Big Boss," which is a huge commercial success in Asia.
  • 1972 - Bruce Lee stars in "Fist of Fury," which breaks box office records in Hong Kong and solidifies his status as a martial arts movie star.
  • 1973 - Bruce Lee dies on July 20 at the age of 32 from a brain edema caused by a reaction to a painkiller.

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do."

-- Bruce Lee